Friday, 8 March 2013

Healthy Eating

Hi Everyone,
I know you have been learning about eating healthily in Year 2.
Post a comment to tell me what you have eaten today.
Don't forget to tell me which food groups your food is in.
Have you eaten a balanced diet, or have you missed one of the food groups?
Bye for now,


  1. hi sparky

    mi fafrat frit is a josestrores

  2. Hi sparky

    i have eaten lots of healthy food on my balanced diet. i wrote you a coment on the 8th of march remember.

  3. hello sparky

    i have ate a balance diet on my plate, so i can grow big and strong. i will promise i will see you tomorow( i won't lie never ever).


  4. Hello Sparky,

    My name is Jessica and I know to keep healthy you need to have a balanced diet. I eat 5 fruits a day and make sure I have other stuff such as protein, fats and sugar. However, I also know that eating lots of fatty foods is not good for your diet e.g Burgers and chips. Things that are fried are not good for your health.

    I look forward to your reply Sparky.

    Many thanks,


  5. Hello sparky my name Fikayo.
    I have not ate too much sugar fat because it is not good for me.

  6. Hello Sparky

    My name is Brendon and i am healthy because i eat healthy food twice
    a day , so i get even more heathly and eat healthy food a little bit because i'm healthy oready.
    bye Sparky
    good luck
    from brendon

  7. Holle spaeky

    my name is kai I eat heatlthy fuit they are which is good for us.

  8. hello sparky

    my name is finn Iknow that to keep helthy you have to eat lots of helthy foods but not to mutch , since it will make you sick and un helthy for your body if you eat lots of sugary fats like choclate and sweets always ,every day you will get very fat, which means that you will be very slow at doing things.
    by finn

  9. Hello Sparky my name is lewis .
    I have a blanaced diet I have ate healthly deleicous food

  10. Hello Sparky my name is Desire and this is my friend oyin
    On my balance diet i eat 5 fruit and some lovely vegestable to have a balace you shouldn't drink or it fatty and suagery. You must have strong things like protien, friut and veg, so you can be strong( thats very strong.) If you eat fatty and sugary things and fizzy drink you diet will not balance and you will get big. I always make sure when i eat 5 fruit a day i have to exuresize like press up, push up, star jumps, joging, jumping

  11. Hello sparky
    I will only eat 5 fruits a day since it is not good to eat to much fruits a day or to much fat a day
    victoria and kemi

  12. Hello sparky

    we know that it is good to eat fruit and vegetables to keep healthgy ,so you don't get sick.we also know, if you eat a apple a day it keeps the doctor away.

    hope you Injoy
    Jessica & Fanta

  13. Helloy my name karimah I eay food

  14. hi sparky
    first chop the topings .
    grate the cheese.
    spraed the tamato on the muffin.
    place the toppings on the pizza and spread out.
    sprinkle the cheese on top.
    place in oven or grill.
    serve and enjoy.

  15. hey Sparky,
    We made some minni pizza today and I will show you how to make it.
    First, we choped the peppers . Next, we grate the cheese. After,we spread the tomoto sauce on the muffin. Later, we place the peppers on the pizza and spread it out. A little later, we
    sprinkle the cheese on top. Fanally, place the pizza in the oven.
    Serve and enjoy!

  16. hey sparky,
    I love you'r blog, since you can help us whith enything(its fantastice)!!
